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Springfield Armory

IN STOCK! Springfield Trapdoors!

Springfield Trapdoor

The Springfield "Trapdoor". Truly one of the guns which “Won the West” the trapdoor served as the standard longarm for U.S. forces in most of the major Indian engagements and in forts and garrisons throughout the U.S.

Production began in 1873 and continued into the 1890’s. Many variations were created during this period. All models being chambered in 45-70 government.

Southern California Gun is proud to offer a variety of models of the famous “Trapdoor” for sale on our showroom floor.

SoCal Gun's Used Inventory - UPDATED 03/13/2025

(Click the Grey table column headers to sort)

Make/Model Description/Condition Price
H&R Trapper Revolver chambered in .22LR. 6" barrel. No 30-day restriction.   400.00
Blaser R93 Bolt action rifle in .308Win. Engraved coin finish receiver with hardwood stock. 22" barrel. Straight pull action. pic pic  No 30-day restriction. 3500.00
Springfield Trap Door Bergman Custom in 50-90. Case hardened receiver. Custom stock. Fire blue accents. ANTIQUE  2000.00
Vetterli (Italy) Bolt action rifle. Reordnanced in 6.5 Carcano. 33" barrel.   350.00
DWM 1900 Swiss Semi-auto pistol in .30luger. Military model with 4.75" barrel. Excellent condition. 6000.00
Iver Johnson Single shot break action. .44 caliber smooth bore with 24.5" barrel   200.00
Lefever SxS Side by side shotgun (12ga). 30" damascus barrels. Splinter forend   800.00
DWM 1900 American Eagle Semi-auto luger pistol in 30 Luger. 4.75" barrel. 4000.00
A.H. Fox Sterlingworth Side by side shotgun (16Ga) with 28" barrels. splinter forend. Double trigger with extractors. 1500.00
Kimber Classic S/S Target Early model 1911 from Kimber in 45ACP. Stainless finish with 5" barrel and adjustable rear sight. Off-roster consignment. 1150.00
Springfield Allin Conversion 1866 Single shot trapdoor in 50-70Govt. Finished in the white with 36" barrel and hardwood stock. Allin Conversion. Good condition. ANTIQUE 2000.00
Springfield 1884 Trap Door Single shot rifle in 45-70. Early model with breechblock stamped 1873. 32.5" barrel. Walnut stock. Buffington rear sight. ANTIQUE  1000.00
Springfield 1868 Trap Door Single shot rifle in 50-70. Breechblock dated 1869. Lock plate 1865. Two-band model with 32.5" barrel. Clean cartouche. ANTIQUE  1250.00
Ithaca  600 Over and under shotgun (12ga). Engraved receiver in blue finish with hardwood stock. 28" barrels (Cyl/Cyl).   750.00
Simeon North 1819 Flintlock pistol. .54Cal ball. 10" barrel. ANTIQUE  2400.00
Springfield Allin Conversion 1866 Single shot rifle in 50-70. 2-Band model with 36" barrel. Breechblock dated 1866. Lock plate 1862. Finished in the bright. ANTIQUE 1250.00
Swiss Vetterli Bolt action rifle in 10.4Swiss. 33" barrel with hardwood stock. One of the early repeating rifles. 1000.00
Model 1855 US Percussion Muzzle loader in .58Ball. 3-Band musket model with 40" barrel in bright finish. Fitted with tape primer. Lock plate 1857. Clean. ANTIQUE  3000.00
Pedersoli Kentucky Rifle Cap and ball rifle. 45Ball with 36" octagonal barrel. BLACK POWDER   500.00
S&W Safety Hammerless Classic revolver in 32S&W. Double action in nickel finish. 3.5" barrel.    750.00
Spencer Carbine Classic lever action rifle. All original. 20" barrel. saddle ring. ANTIQUE 2000.00
Ruger Single-six Single action revolver in 32H&R Mag. 5.5" barrel. Factory wood grips.    750.00
Simeon North 1843 Hall North with lever operated breech loader. .58 Ball. Hardwood stock. 21" barrel. ANTIQUE 2400.00
Simeon North 1817 US Flintlock Rifle. .54 ball with 36" 7-groove barrel. Dated 1829 on lockplate. Unconverted. In bright finish. Ramrod with brass tip. ANTIQUE 1500.00
Ruger Vaquero Single action revolver in .32-20. Stainless finish with black grips. 5.5" barrel. Include second cylinder in 32 H&R Mag. Original box. 1800.00
Ruger Vaquero Same as above. Consecutive serial numbers. Limited production run offered exclusively through Davidsons.  1800.00
Charter Arms Explorer Semi-auto rifle in 22lr. Survival package that stows inside the butt of the rifle. Original box. SOLD
Robinson Armament M96 Semi-auto rifle in .223. Expeditionary rifle based on the Stoner Modular Weapon System. 16" barrel. Detachable magazine. Black finish. SOLD
Winchester Mdl 12 Pump action shotgun (20Ga) with 28" barrel. Hardwood stock. 1954  1200.00
Spanish Mauser Bolt action rifle in 22-250. Sporterized with hardwood stock. Receiver stamped "Oviedo" and is drilled. Remington barrel.  PENDING
Savage 99 Lever action rifle in 300Savage. Brass rotor with round count window. Case hardened features. Wood stock. Receiver has been tapped. 1951    800.00
Colt Police Positive Classic revolver in 22WRF. All original with blue finish and factory grips. 6" barrel.     800.00
Marlin 1891 Lever action rifle in .22lr. 24" octagonal barrel. takedown design with original stock. ANTIQUE    700.00
Nemesis Wind Runner Bolt action rifle in .308. Tactical take down model. 20" barrel. Fantastic trigger. Discreet case. 3300.00
Browning Mdl 42 
Grade V
Pump action shotgun (.410) with 26" vent rib barrel. High grade walnut stock in gloss finish. Engraved receiver with gold highlights.  2400.00
Mauser 98 Bolt action rifle in 8x57. Sporterized with aftermarket stock. 24" stepped barrel. Drop leaf rear sight. Receiver stamped G.E.W. 98. "as-is"   800.00
Norwich 1863 Percussion rifle in .58 Ball. 40" barrel in bright finish with hardwood stock. BLACK POWDER 2000.00
New England Westinghouse 1891 American made Moisin Nagant. Bolt action rifle in 7.62x54. 32" barrel with factory wood stock. Hex pattern receiver.  1800.00
Ruger LC380CA Semi-auto pistol in .380ACP. Compact design with 3" barrel. REDUCED   300.00
Colt Police Positive Double action revolver in .22lr. blue finish with 6" barrel. Original factory grips. 6-round cylinder. Manufactured in 1911   500.00
Weatherby MK V Bolt action rifle in 300 Wby Mag. Black synthetic stock with 25" barrel.  1000.00
Desert Tactical SRS Bolt action rifle in .338Lapua. Long range platform includes second barrel in .308. Pelican case.  5900.00
Robbins & Kendall Lawrence. Windsor 1847 Percussion rifle in .54Ball. 33" barrel in bright finish. Brass barrel bands. Original hardwood stock with legible cartouches. Sidelock dated 1847. BLACK POWDER  2000.00
R Ashmore Kentucky Plain Rifle Percussion rifle in .36Ball. 39" octagonal barrel. Hardwood stock with brass patchbox. BLACK POWDER   600.00
Browning Gold Sporting Clays Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). 28" ported barrel with threaded choke. Walnut stock. REDUCED   850.00
Spikes Samurai AR-platform lower receiver. Custom samurai design.   300.00
Remington 700 Bolt action rifle in .243Win. 22" barrel in blue finish. Walnut checkered Monte Carlo stock. REDUCED   550.00
S&W Victory Classic revolver from S&W with 6" barrel. Professional British conversion to .22lr with proof marks.    900.00
Winchester 1885 Low Wall Falling block action in .17HMR. 23" octagonal barrel with checkered walnut stock. Made by Miroku. REDUCED   999.00
Remington 870TC Pump action rifle (12Ga). Competition trap gun. Walnut stock with adjustable comb and 30" barrel with extended chokes.   950.00
Remington 700BDL Bolt action rifle in 7mm Rem Mag. Walnut stock with 24" barrel.   600.00
Springfield M1A Semi-auto rifle in .308Win. Match rifle with 22" barrel. Walnut stock with adjustable comb. Springfield Govt scope. 3500.00
S&W 18-3 K-frame revolver in .22lr. Single/double action with 4" barrel in blue finish. Hogue monogrip.   700.00
Glock 23 Semi-auto pistol in 40S&W. Compact model with 4" barrel. Stippled frame, slide cut for optic, suppressor sights. Factory case. SOLD
Winchester 37 Break action shotgun (16Ga). 28" fixed choke barrel (Full). Walnut stock. PENDING
Marlin 80 Bolt action rifle in .22lr. Hardwood stock. 24" barrel. Needs magazine.   125.00
Ruger Blackhawk Single action revolver in .41Mag. Black finish with 4.75" barrel. Original box.   700.00
Winchester Mdl 12 Pump action shotgun (12Ga). 30" factory ribbed barrel (Fixed Full choke). Hardwood stock. Reblued. REDUCED   500.00
Sako L579 Bolt action rifle in 22-250. 26" barrel. Blue finish. Custom stock. Includes period Bushnell Scope Chief (3-9X). REDUCED   800.00
Century C39V2 AK-platform rifle in 7.62x39. Milled receiver. 16" barrel with wood furniture.  1000.00
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 32Win. Pre-64 model with 20" round barrel. Made in 1941 and in original finish.  1250.00
Springfield 1873 Trapdoor rifle Single shot rifle in 45-70. 32" barrel. High Arch Breech. Lock date 1873. Missing ramrod. ANTIQUE   800.00
Ruger M77 MKII Bolt action rifle in .338WinMag. All weather model in stainless finish with 26" barrel. Rubber "paddle" stock.  1100.00
Winchester 42 Pump action shotgun (.410) with 28" barrel. Blue finish with walnut stock.  2000.00
S&W 32 Hand Ejector Revolver chambered in .32-20. Early S&W with 6" barrel. 6-rd cylinder with leather holster.    300.00
Remington 700 Bolt action rifle in 300Win. Long range model with 26" barrel. Bell & Carlson fiberglass stock.  1000.00
Browning Medalist Semi-auto pistol in 22lr. Classic design in blue finish with walnut target grips. Includes custom case with weight set. Consignment.  1500.00
Browning A-Bolt Bolt action rifle in .243Win. 22" barrel in black finish. Black synthetic stock.   450.00
Mauser 1909 Bolt action rifle in 7mm Mauser. Made by Deutsche Waffen. Factory hardwood stock with 22" barrel.    725.00
Benelli Nova Pump action shotgun (12Ga). 18.5" barrel. Tactical model with rifle sights. 3.5" chamber.  SOLD
Ruger Mini-14 Target Semi-auto rifle in .223. Black synthetic stock. Stainless barrel and action. 22" barrel with factory balancer. REDUCED   700.00
Kimber Raptor II 1911 platform pistol in 45ACP. Full size model with 5" barrel in blue finish. Factory case.   1200.00
Ruger Blackhawk Single action revolver in .357Mag. New model in stainless finish with 6.5" barrel and rosewood grips.  SOLD
Dakota 76 Custom bolt action rifle in 300Win. 23" barrel with case hardened receiver. Walnut stock with lots of figure. Swarovski scope.  8000.00
Colt 1851 Navy Black powder pistol in .36Ball. 7.5" barrel. All original.  2500.00
Uriguen SXS Spanish made shotgun (12Ga). Side by side design with 27.5" barrels choked (Mod/Full). Case hardened receiver. Double triggers.   650.00
Savage 1915 Semi-auto pistol in 380ACP.  Early Savage handgun with 4.25" barrel.     500.00
DWM 1906 Commercial Semi-auto pistol chambered in 30Luger. Factory original with 4" barrel and grip safety. Excellent condition.   3000.00
Glock 30 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Compact model with 3.5" barrel. Standard sights.   500.00
Parker Brothers VHE Side by side shotgun (16Ga) with 30" barrels. Case hardened receiver with checkered walnut stock, double triggers, ejectors.   7500.00
Howa 1500 Bolt action rifle in .243Win. 27" barrel in blue finish. Tan synthetic stock. Optic ready. Factory box.   500.00
Browning SA22 Semi-auto rifle in .22lr. 19" barrel with high gloss stock. Manufactured by Miroku.   750.00
Arisaka Type 38 Bolt action rifle in 7.7Jap. All original with 26" barrel and hardwood stock. Mum has been removed. SOLD
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. Post-64 with 20" barrel in blue and factory wood stock. Includes original box.   900.00
Ruger M77 MKII Bolt action rifle in .280Rem. 24" barrel. PENDING
Winchester 94 XTR .375 Big bore lever action rifle in .375Win. 20" barrel in blue with checkered walnut stock. Side mount scope (fixed 4X)  1100.00
Bernadelli Custom Sport Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). 28" vent rib barrel. Walnut stock. Extra chokes and original box.   600.00
Ruger Mini-Thirty Semi-auto rifle in 7.62x39. Stainless steel action and barrel  set on hardwood stock. SOLD
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. Post-64 with 20" round barrel in blue finish. Hardwood stock.   900.00
Winchester Mdl 71 Classic lever action rifle in .348Win. 24" barrel. Factory stock. Bolt mounted peep sight. Made in 1940  2500.00
Mauser 98 Bolt action rifle in 8mm. 24" barrel in blue finish with hardwood stock.   700.00
Stevens 14 1/2 Compact rifle in .22lr. "as-is"  SOLD
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. 20" round barrel. Hardwood stock. Missing most of the original finish. Made in 1948   600.00
CZ Mdl98 Bolt action rifle in 8mm. 24" stepped barrel. Sporterized stock. fitted with rear lyman peep.  SOLD
Brno VZ24 Bolt action rifle. Sporterized stock. Mauser action. 24" barrel with fixed sights. Chambered in 30-06. Clean shiny bore.   550.00
Winchester P14 Bolt action rifle in 303Brit. 24" barrel. Hardwood stock. Factory original   1200.00
Winchester 94 Trapper Lever action rifle in 30-30. Trapper model with 16" round barrel. Saddle ring. Factory stock.  1250.00
Winchester 94 Wrangler Lever action rifle in.32Win Spl. 16" barrel with saddle ring and large loop lever. Scrolled receiver with wagon scene. Hardwood stock.  1100.00
Springfield Trapdoor Model 1879 chambered in 45-70. 30" barrel with two-bands. Buckhorn rear sight. Breechblock stamped "1873" Antique   800.00
Mauser 98 Bolt action rifle in 8mm. Brno factory K98 produced during the occupation. Chamber marked DOU.45. Parts gun   600.00
Winchester 1886 Lever action rifle in 33WCF. 24" round barrel with excellent bore. Factory stock with tang mounted sight.  2650.00
Ruger No1 Falling block single shot in .458Win Mag. 24" heavy barrel. Walnut stock.  2000.00
Ithaca M49 Single-shot rifle in .22lr. Lever activated. Compact design with 18" barrel and hardwood stock. "As-is" Parts gun.  SOLD
Colt Buntline Scout Single action revolver in 22lr. Classic blue finish with 9.5" barrel and factory grips.   875.00
Kimber Raptor II Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Full size 1911 platform with 5" barrel. Blue finish with wood grips. Factory case.  1250.00
Stevens 56 Lady Ideal Chambered in .22lr with 24" barrel  5000.00
Winchester 94AE Lever action rifle in .357Mag. Trapper model with 16" barrel and saddle ring.  pending
Ithaca 4E Break action shotgun (12Ga) with 32" barrel. Engraved receiver in blue with walnut stock.  1000.00
Browning 10/71 Semi-auto pistol in .380ACP. 4.5" barrel in blue finish. Factory grips. Browning pistol pouch. Clean.     800.00
Springfield 1884 Trapdoor rifle chambered in 45-70. 30" barrel with hardwood stock. ANTIQUE.    600.00
Savage 99 Lever action rifle in 30-30. Takedown model with 26" barrel. First year of take-down production. REDUCED   900.00
Dakota 76 Bolt action rifle in .308Win. 21" barrel in matte blue finish. Walnut stock with forend and grip cap. Zeiss Davari glass.   4375.00
Rock Island 1911-A1 FS Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Full size model with 5" barrel. Parkerized finish. Factory case.  SOLD
S&W 32 Hand Ejector 1903 1st Double action revolver in .32S&W. 4.25" barrel in nickel finish. Factory grips. 1st change 1904-1906 production   375.00
Steyr Mannlicher Schoenauer Bolt action rifle in 6.5x54. Factory wood stock with 22" barrel. Double set triggers.  1500.00
Winchester Mdl 70 Bolt action rifle in .264 Win Mag. 26" barrel in blue finish with Leupold scope. Fiberglass stock. Full length extractor. Pre-64  1100.00
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. 20" round barrel with hardwood stock. Aftermarket checkering and diamond inlay. 1960 manufacture SOLD
Springfield 1911A1 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Loaded model with 5" barrel and night sights. Parkerized finish. Factory wood grips and soft pouch.   800.00
Savage 99 Lever action rifle in .300Savage. Take-down model with 24" barrel. Case hardened lever, brass counter. Made in 1924. Restored.  1250.00
Romarm Wasr 10-63 Semi-auto rifle in 7.62x39. 16' barrel with brake. Wood stock and sling. Aftermarket trigger. Includes QD side rail mount with red dot. SOLD
Christensen Arms Mdl 14 Bolt action rifle in .308Win. Ridgeline Scout with 16" carbon fiber barrel with flash hider. Speckled Tan fiberglass stock.   1725.00
Charter Arms AR7 Semi-auto rifle in .22lr. Survival rifle that takes down and stows in the buttstock.  SOLD
LC Smith 3E Side by side shotgun (12Ga). 32" damascus barrels. Custom engraved receiver with walnut stock. 1899-1900 date of manufacture.   2500.00
Eastern Arms Single Shot Break action shotgun (12Ga) with 32" barrel. Wood stock. SOLD
Winchester 1894 Centennial Set Lever action rifle and musket in 30-30. Includes original boxes. Matching serial number set.   2500.00
Winchester 9422 Lever action rifle in .22lr. 20" round barrel with walnut stock in gloss finish. Tube fed magazine.   750.00
Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. 1911 platform. Semi-custom production with 4.25" barrel. Stainless steel finish and wood grips. Custom holster. SOLD
Winchester 1400 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 28" barrel. Blue finish with hardwood stock. Fixed choke (Mod)   300.00
Springfield Saint Semi-auto rifle in 5.56. AR-platform with 16" barrel. Free float rail, pistol grip with juggernaut release.   900.00
Radical Firearms RF-15 Semi-auto rifle in 5.56. AR-platform with 16" barrel. Free float rail. Featureless design with bipod. SOLD
Mossberg 930 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). Parkerized finish with 18" barrel. Picatinny rail   800.00
Colt Targetsman Semi-auto pistol in 22lr. Blue finish with 6" barrel and factory wood grips.   750.00
Browning Citori Over and under shotgun (16Ga) with 28" barrels. Lightly engraved receiver in blue finish. Walnut stock. Threaded chokes. Factory canvas case.  1800.00
Christensen Arms B14 Bolt action rifle in 300WinMag. 25" carbon wrapped threaded barrel. Fiberglass stock. Total weight 7lbs.   1800.00
Uberti 1873 Single action revolver in 45Colt. Case hardened frame with 4.75" barrel in blue. Checkered wood grips.  SOLD
Springfield XD-45 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Polymer frame with 4" barrel in black finish. Factory case.   500.00
S&W 460V Large frame revolver in 460S&W. Stainless steel finish with 5" ported barrel.   1250.00
Glock 26 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Sub-compact model with 3.5" barrel. XS sights.   550.00
Savage Stevens 320 Single-shot break action shotgun (12Ga). 18" barrel with black synthetic stock. Unfired.   200.00
Ruger Single-Six Single action revolver in .22lr. Stainless model with 6.5" barrel and factory wood grips. Includes second cylinder in .22Mag. REDUCED   600.00
Benelli M2 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with pistol grip. 18" barrel. Extended mag tube. Trijicon solar-powered RMR. 1800.00
HSB Mdl W Single-shot break action shotgun (.410) with 26" barrel and hardwood stock. "As-is" SOLD
FR Schafhausen Bolt action rifle (single shot) in 8mm shotshell. 24" barrel with hardwood stock. "As-is"   150.00
Sako TRG42 Bolt action rifle in .338Lapua. 26" barrel. Factory stock (Green) and Bipod. Schmidt Bender scope.  SOLD
Remington 11-87 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). 21" ribbed barrel with camo pattern stock.    600.00
Browning A5 Semi-auto shotgun (16Ga). 26" fixed choke barrel (Mod). Engraved receiver. Checkered walnut stock. Pre Sweet Sixteen (1934). Fitted Pad  1200.00
Steyr M95 Bolt action rifle in 8x56R. Carbine model with 20" barrel. Straight pull action. Factory wood stock.   500.00
H&R 1871 Break action single shot rifle. Chambered in 38-55Win. 28" barrel. Case hardened receiver. Wm Malcolm 3X scope. SOLD
Beretta 92FS Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 4.9" barrel in blue finish. Pachmayr grips. SOLD
Tikka T3X Bolt action rifle in 6.5PRC. 24" fluted barrel. Bronze finish with camo patterned synthetic stock.  1175.00
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. 20" round barrel with matching mag tube. Walnut stock with steel buttplate.   800.00
HK P2000SK Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Compact model with 3" barrel.   650.00
Parker Hammer Side by side shotgun (12Ga). 30" damascus barrels. Engraved reciever. Exposed hammers, double triggers. Black Powder. Antique. 1884. 4750.00
Springfield XD-40 Semi-auto pistol in 40S&W. Standard model with 4" barrel. SOLD
Glock 30 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Compact model with 3.75" barrel. Double stack model. Factory case and three mags. SOLD
Glock 17 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Standard model with 4.5" barrel. Factory case. SOLD
Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon Over and under shotgun (20Ga) with 26" barrels. Walnut stock with blue finish. Factory case, chokes and manual. Excellent condition. SOLD
H&R single-shot Break action shotgun (12Ga) with 30" barrel. Hardwood stock.    150.00
Springfield XD-45 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Standard model with 4" barrel.    500.00
POF P-308 Semi-auto rifle in .308Win. AR-10 platform with 16" barrel. Piston operation with free float rail. Featureless design.   2000.00
Uberti 1885 High Wall Falling block single-shot in 45-70. Octagon 31" barrel. Color case receiver. Tang mounted rear peep sight. Walnut stock.  1000.00
Ruger American Bolt action rifle in 450 Bushmaster. FDE stock with 16" barrel in black finish.   450.00
Ruger Standard Semi-auto pistol in .22lr. The original MK1 with 4.75" barrel. Adjustable rear sight and wood target grips.   450.00
Colt Python .357 Revolver in Stainless Finish. 4" barrel. Rubber medallion grips. 1980's manufacture. Clean. Off-roster consignment.  3000.00
Springfield 1911-A1 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Mil-spec model in stainless finish. 5" barrel with wood panel grips.   700.00
Marlin 336C Lever action rifle in 35Rem. 20" barrel. Checkered walnut stock.   850.00
Benelli M1 Super 90 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 26" barrel. Camo pattern finish with extended magazine tube.   800.00
S&W M&P 9Shield Compact semi-auto pistol in 9mm. High Viz sights. 3.1" barrel. Extra mags.   450.00
Glock 21 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Full size model with 4.75" barrel. Factory case.   550.00
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. 20" barrel with hardwood stock. Ser #3688xxx   800.00
S&W 637-2 Compact revolver in .38Spl. Airweight model with aluminum frame. Brushed finish with rosewood grip. Factory box. SOLD
Dickinson CK212 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 18" barrel. Factory case.   225.00
IWI Tavor Bullpup design semi-auto rifle in 5.56. Desert tan chassis. 18" barrel.  1700.00
Winchester 94AE XTR Lever action rifle in 7-30Waters. 24" round barrel. Checkered walnut stock. Fitted with Williams rear peep sight.  1000.00
Sako L579 Bolt action rifle in 22-250. 23" barrel. Factory walnut Monte Carlo stock. Fixed 10X Bushnell scope.  1500.00
PTR 91 Semi-auto rifle in .308. 18" barrel with brake. OD Green furniture.  1200.00
Beretta A400 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 28" barrel. Optifade Timber. Original case with chokes.  1600.00
Ruger American Bolt action rifle in .223Rem. 22" barrel. Olive synthetic stock. Vortex 4-12 x44 scope. Accepts standard PMAGs.  SOLD
Howa 1500 Bolt action rifle in .270Win. 22" barrel with green soft touch stock. Includes Prostaff 3-9 scope.   600.00
Ruger Mini Thirty Semi-auto rifle in 7.62x39. Traditional wood stock with black finish. Includes rings and extra mag.   950.00
Rock Island ECS Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. 1911 platform with 3.75" barrel. Frame in stainless finish. Wood panel grips. Novak sights.   475.00
Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon Over and under (12Ga) with 28" barrels. Decorative scrollwork. Walnut stock. Factory case with chokes and accessories.  1975.00
Marlin 336 Lever action rifle in .35Rem. 20" round barrel. Walnut stock. Custom horn buttplate. 1957 year of manufacture.   700.00
Browning Light Twenty Semi-auto shotgun in 20Ga. Lightly scrolled receiver with walnut stock in gloss finish. 28" vent rib barrel. 1982 year of manufacture.  1500.00
Weatherby Patrician Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 28" vent rib barrel. Fixed modified choke. Walnut stock with gloss finish.   300.00
Winchester 1873 Lever action rifle in .45Colt. 20" round barrel. Case hardened receiver, lever and buttplate.  Walnut stock.  SOLD
Gunfighter Tactical Rally AR-platform rifle in 5.56. 16" barrel with free float rail. Bronze finish. Featureless setup with Juggernaut grip.  1000.00
Marlin 336CS Lever action rifle in 30-30 with 20" barrel. Hardwood stock. Rear peep mounted on receiver with Hi-Viz front.   750.00
Mauser K98 Bolt action rifle in 7mm Mauser. 24" barrel. Waffenmarked. Reblued. Sporterized stock. Redfield scope.    600.00
S&W 29-2 Classic N-frame revolver in .44Mag. Factory original and never fired. 4" barrel in blue finish. Case hardened target trigger and hammer. Wood/glass display case with accessory tools. Original cardboard sleeve with factory tag.  2500.00
F1 Firearms BDRX-15 AR-platform rifle in 5.56. Free float rail. 16" barrel. Custom cut upper and lower. Juggernaut release. Factory box.  1200.00
Husqvarna 1887 Classic double-action revolver in 7.5Nagant. 4.5" round/octagonal barrel. Original wood grips. Trigger and hammer in straw finish. Antique   800.00
S&W M&P9 Shield Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Standard model with 3.1" barrel. Fixed sights and Nighthawk OWB polymer holster.   475.00
Winchester 75 Target Bolt action rifle in .22lr. Factory original throughout with 28" barrel and Lyman sight. Magazine fed and manufactured in 1948.   900.00
Ruger New Vaquero Single action revolver in .357Mag. 5.5" barrel in blue finish with factory wood grips. Includes original case.   725.00
Blaser S2 Safari Double rifle in 9.3x74. Engraved receiver with walnut stock. Second barrel set (30-06x20Ga). Factory case. 13500.00
Russian M44 Bolt action rifle in 7.62x54. Round receiver. 20" barrel. Factory stock. SOLD
Winchester 1400 MKII Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 28" barrel. Wood stock. Blue Finish. Extra chokes   300.00
Marlin 39 Lever action rifle in .22lr. Early production. Four digit serial. Factory original with 24" barrel.   850.00
AH Fox Sterlingworth Side by side shotgun (20Ga) with 28" barrels. Extractor. Walnut stock.   2000.00
FN HiPower Bolt action rifle in 30-06. Stepped 24" barrel. Mauser action. Checkered stock.  SOLD
Robinson Armament M96 Semi-auto rifle in .223. Expeditionary rifle based on the Stoner Modular Weapon System. 16" barrel. Detachable magazine. OD Green finish.  4000.00
Remington Mdl 7 Bolt action rifle in .308. Lightweight design with 20" barrel. Bell and Carlson fiberglass stock. Leupold scope.  1000.00
JC Higgins Mdl 50 Bolt action rifle in .270Win. FN Mauser action with 22" barrel. Hardwood stock.    500.00
Ruger 10/22 Classic semi-auto rifle in .22lr. Walnut stock with blue finish. 18.5" barrel with period scope. Clean.    275.00
Gustloff KK Wehrsportgewehr Bolt action rifle in .22lr. Mauser trainer with 25" barrel. Waffenmarked receiver. Stock has been replaced.  1000.00
S&W M&P9 Shield Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Turquoise frame with silver slide. 3.1" barrel.   500.00
 Dickinson Tac-4  Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 18" barrel. Pistol grip stock. Home paint job. "as-is"    175.00
Sig P239 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Scorpion Model. 3.5" barrel. Tan finish. G10 grips. Short reset trigger, night sights. Consignment.  1200.00
Brigade BM-F-9 AR platform rifle in 9mm. 16" barrel. Free float rail. Tungsten gray finish. Uses glock magazines. Featureless design.    800.00
Marlin 1889 Lever action rifle in .32Win. Octagon barrel (24"). All original. Missing front sight. Made in 1892. Antique.   750.00
Remington 700 Bolt action rifle in .243. Factory wood stock. 20" barrel with iron sights. Bushnell scope.   450.00
S&W 627-5 V-comp revolver in .357. 5" barrel. 8-round cylinder. Grey finish with stainless cylinder.  1500.00
Tavor TS12 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). FDE chassis. 18" barrel. Rotating magazine tube assembly. 15 round capacity.  1100.00
Stevens 311 Side by side shotgun (12Ga) with 28" barrels. Wood stock. Case hardened receiver. (Mod/IM)  SOLD
Remington 700 M24 Bolt action rifle in .308Win. 26" heavy barrel. VG6 Lambda brake. H-S Precision stock. Guncrafter bolt. Steiner T6Xi scope  2995.00
Brno VZ24 Bolt action rifle in 8mm. 22" barrel. Sporterized on wood stock. Micrometer rear sight.  SOLD
Ruger Max-9 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm Compact design with 3.25" barrel. Hi-viz front sight. Extra mags and mag carrier. SOLD
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. 20" round barrel. Hardwood stock.   575.00
Browning Maxus II Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 30" barrel. Carbon fiber pattern on barrel and receiver. Factory case with accessories and chokes.  1500.00
Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. 1911 platform with 4.25" barrel and bobbed grip. Stainless finish with wood panel grips. Factory case.  1600.00
Bersa Firestorm Semi-auto pistol in .380ACP. Compact design with 3.5" barrel. Factory case.   300.00
Kimber K6S Compact revolver in .357Mag. Stainless finish with 2" barrel. Factory night sights. Original and aftermarket grips. Lots of accessories. Clean  1000.00
S&W 360PD Compact revolver in .357Mag. Lighweight scandium frame. Hi-viz front sight. Factory box.   950.00
Mossberg 940 JM Pro Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). Competition shotgun with 24" barrel and full length mag tube. Tungsten grey receiver. 9+1 capacity.   800.00
Springfield XD9 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Standard model with 4" barrel. Factory box and two magazines.   450.00
Radical Firearms AR-platform rifle in 5.56. 16" barrel with free float rail. Juggernaut release. Primary arms optic   750.00
Beretta 92FS Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 4.9" barrel. Standard sights. Factory case.   SOLD
TNW 1919 Similar to the Browning this is a belt fed semi-auto rifle in 30-06. Includes german tripod.  7500.00
Tristar Upland Hunter Over and under shotgun (20Ga) with 26" barrels. Engraved aluminum receiver. Hardwood stock. Threaded chokes. Single trigger.   400.00
FN Mauser - Venezuelan Bolt action rifle in 7mm. Shooting team rifle with 27.5" barrel. Crest on chamber. Factory stock. Good condition.  1500.00
Dan Wesson Pointman PM7 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. 1911 platform with 5" barrel in stainless finish. Checkered wood grips. Factory case.  1600.00
Ruger Vaquero Single action revolver in .357Mag. 4.75" barrel in stainless finish with wood grips. Factory case. Customized SASS guns.   700.00
Marlin 1894 Cowboy Limited Lever action rifle in .357mag. 24" Octagonal barrel. Action has been customized for SASS. Factory stock and bright accents. Original box. SOLD
Remington V3 Field Pro Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga). 28" barrel. Burnt bronze finish with Kryptek patterned stock.    950.00
Kimber Stainless TLE II Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. 1911 platform with 5" barrel in stainless finish. G10 grips. IWB holster. Factory case extra mags.   950.00
Ruger Super Blackhawk Single action revolver in .44Mag. Black finish with 7.5" barrel. Adjustable rear sight. Bianchi holster.   700.00
Glock 21SF Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Full size model with 4.5" barrel. Factory fixed sights.   525.00
Winchester 94 Lever action rifle in 30-30. Saddle ring carbine with 20" round barrel. Tang safety. Miroku manufacture. Factory box.   900.00
Colt Nighthawk Government Custom Colt Government from Nighthawk Custom. 5" barrel in blue finish with wood panel grips. Leather holster, mag holder and accessories. Lots of magazines. SOLD
Ruger Vaquero Single action revolver in .357Mag. 4.75" barrel. Stainless finish. Factory case.   700.00
Ruger Vaquero Single action revolver in .357Mag. 4.75" barrel. Stainless finish. Factory case.   700.00
Winchester 1894 Lever action rifle in 30-30. Early production 1895. Octagonal barrel has been cut to 21". Refinished. Tang mounted rear sight.   700.00
Uberti 1873 Lever action rifle in .357Mag. 20" octagonal barrel in blue. Case hardened receiver. Checkered walnut stock with crescent metal butt plate. Tuned for Cowboy action. Offered "as-is". Factory box.  1100.00
Ruger Redhawk Classic revolver in 44Mag. Stainless finish with 7.5" barrel. Factory wood grips. Bianchi leather holster.  900.00
Ruger NM Blackhawk Single action revolver in 41Mag. 4.75" barrel. Adjustable rear sight. Factory wood grips.   600.00
Ruger No1 375H&H Single shot falling block design. 24" barrel. 200th anniversary edition. Walnut stock. Red butt pad. Weaver steel scope.  2000.00
Ruger No 1 25-06 Single shot falling block design. 26" barrel. 200th anniversary edition. Walnut stock. Red butt pad. Weaver scope.  1500.00
Kimber Super American Bolt action rifle in chambered in .223. 22" barrel in blue finish. Custom walnut stock with fine checkering.  5000.00
Mossberg Brownie Four barrel pistol chambered in .22. Break action with rotating firing pin. Factory original.  SOLD
Springfield 745C Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 28" barrel. A5 copy with hardwood stock.    200.00
S&W M&P 15 AR-platform rifle in 5.56. 16" barrel with A-post front sight. Magpul FDE furniture.    600.00
Remington 770 Bolt action rifle in 7mm Rem Mag. Black synthetic stock. 24" barrel. Scope.    300.00
S&W M&P 2.0 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 4.25" barrel. Original box with extra backstraps and magazine.  SOLD
Sig SP2022 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Polymer frame. 3.75" barrel. Sig night sights. extra mags.   550.00
Ruger Blackhawk Single action revolver in .357Mag. 6.5" barrel in black finish. Factory wood grips.   600.00
FN Mauser Bolt action rifle chambered in .270Win. Belgian manufacture. 24" barrel with checkered walnut stock. Lyman steel scope.    800.00
Browning SA22 Semi-auto rifle in 22lr. Miroku manufacture (Japan). 18" barrel with walnut stock.   600.00
S&W 29-3 N-frame revolver in 44Mag. Blue finish with 6" barrel. Aftermarket grips.  SOLD
S&W 460 X-frame revolver in 460S&W. 8.5" barrel in stainless finish. Factory case with second compensator for lead bullets.  1400.00
Colt King Cobra Compact revolver in .357Mag. 2" barrel in stainless finish. Gold bead front sight. Factory rubber grips.   900.00
Beretta PX4 Storm Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 4" barrel. Factory case.  SOLD
Mauser 1914 Semi-auto pistol in .380ACP. 3.5" barrel. Factory blue finish with factory wood grips.   650.00
Uberti 1866 Lever action rifle in 45Colt. Brass receiver. 24" octagon barrel in fire blue finish. Walnut stock with brass buttplate.  1000.00
Henry Scout Commemorative Lever action rifle in .22lr. Centennial scout edition with engraved brass receiver. Octagonal 20" barrel in blue finish.    725.00
Mossberg 590S Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 20" barrel. Full length mag tube (7+1) capacity. S-model handles mini-shells.    600.00
Remington 870 Magnum Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 26" barrel. Threaded choke. Parkerized finish with wood stock.   400.00
Sig SP2022 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Polymer frame with 3.9" barrel. Factory case with 4 magazines. SOLD
Beretta Stampede Single action revolver in 45Colt. Case hardened frame. 4.75" barrel in blue finish. Factory grips. Clean!  SOLD
Savage 64 Semi-auto rifle in .22lr. Black synthetic stock with 20" barrel.   150.00
S&W 686-6 L-frame revolver in .357Mag. 2.5" barrel in stainless finish. Factory case.   825.00
Beretta 92FS Inox Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 4.9" barrel in brushed stainless finish. Factory case.    775.00
Colt SAA Single action revolver in 45Colt. NRA Centennial model with case hardened frame. 5.5" barrel in blue. Factory wood grips. Wood display case.   2000.00
Glock 27 Semi-auto pistol in 40S&W. Subcompact model with 3.5" barrel. Factory case.   450.00
Glock 36 Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Subcompact model with 3.5" barrel. Factory case.   450.00
Glock 21SF Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP. Full size model with 4.5" barrel. Factory case.   500.00
Glock 29 Semi-auto pistol in 10MM. Subcompact model with 3.5" barrel. Factory case.   500.00
Glock 26 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Subcompact model with 3.5" barrel. Factory case. SOLD
Baby Browning Semi-auto pistol in .25ACP. Micro pistol with 2" barrel in blue finish. Original factory box.   800.00
Savage 99 Lever action rifle in 303Savage. 20" barrel with factory wood stock (aftermarket buttpad). SOLD
Stevens 87D Semi-auto rifle in .22lr. 24" barrel in blue with wood stock. Tube fed magazine. Bushnell period scope (Fixed 4X). "as-is"   150.00
Universal M1 Carbine Semi-auto rifle in 30Carbine. 18" barrel in blue with hardwood stock.    500.00
Winchester 69A Bolt action rifle in .22lr. 25" barrel in blue with original wood stock. Magazine fed. Factory rear peep. Grooved rcvr. Great condition.   500.00
Remington 870 Tactical Pump action shotgun (12Ga). 18" barrel with black synthetic stock. Detachable side saddle.   475.00
Beretta 1301 Comp Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 21" threaded barrel. Black finish with synthetic stock. Enhanced bolt release. Factory case. Like new.  1000.00
Beretta 92FS Inox Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Brushed stainless finish. 4.9" barrel. Factory grips.    750.00
CZ 97B Semi-auto pistol in 45ACP with 5" barrel and factory grips. Aftermarket night sights. Factory case and four mags. SOLD
Browning A5 Hunter Semi-auto shotgun (12ga) with 26" threaded barrel. Walnut stock in high gloss finish. Factory case with extra chokes.  1500.00
S&W 351PD Compact revolver chambered in .22Mag. Lightweight alloy frame with 7 round cylinder. 2" barrel and factory wood grips.   700.00
Springfield M1A Semi-auto rifle in .308Win. National match model with 22" barrel and walnut stock. Includes Springfield factory scope mount and soft case. SOLD
Anderson AM-15 Lower AR-platform receiver. 223/5.56. In original package.   100.00
Kimber Custom II Semi-auto pistol in 45acp. Full size 1911 platform with 5" barrel. Blue finish. Novak sights. Factory box.   750.00
Glock 27 Semi-auto pistol in 40S&W. Sub-compact model with 3.5" barrel   450.00
Mossberg SA-20 Semi-auto shotgun (20ga) with 18" barrel. Black synthetic stock. SOLD
EAA Windicator Snub-nose revolver in .38Spl. Blue finish. 2" barrel.    300.00
Ruger LCR Compact revolver with composite frame. Chambered in 9mm. 2" barrel. SOLD
Beretta 92FS Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 4.9" barrel in black finish. Factory case.   675.00
Ruger Standard Semi-auto pistol in .22lr. Blue finish with 4" barrel and checkered factory grips.   375.00
Ruger 10/22 Semi-auto rifle in .22lr. Classic wood/blue model with 18.5" barrel and walnut stock.   300.00
Savage Axis Bolt action rifle in .270Win. 22" barrel with black synthetic stock.   300.00
ATI Omni Maxx AR-platform rifle in 5.56. Polymer upper and lower with 16" barrel.   450.00
Sig P320 M18 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Coyote frame with 4" barrel. Holosun SCS optic.   825.00
Ranger 103-2 Semi-auto rifle in .22lr. Tube-fed design with 24" barrel and hardwood stock,    75.00
Colt Army Special Revolver in 32-20. Original grips with 5" barrel. Frame has been reblued.   600.00
Winchester Mdl 21 Classic side by side shotgun (12Ga). 28" barrels with beavertail forend. Original factory finish. Excellent condition.  5000.00
CZ 75D Compact Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Factory decocker. 3.75" barrel. Off roster consignment   625.00
Citadel Boss Hog Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 18" barrel. Black synthetic stock with pistol grip.   175.00
Ruger M77 Bolt action rifle in 6mm. Checkered walnut stock with 22" barrel. Leupold scope.   900.00
Winchester 1873 Lever action rifle in .357Mag. 20" round barrel with walnut stock. Includes factory box.  1075.00
CZ 27 Semi-auto pistol in .32ACP. Factory original with 3.75" barrel.   750.00
Ruger Bearcat Single action revolver in .22lr. Stainless steel finish with 4" barrel. 6-rd cylinder with decorative scroll. factory case.   650.00
Ruger Vaquero Single action revolver in 45Colt. Includes second cylinder in 45ACP. Stainless finish with 4.75" barrel . Factory wood grips and case.  1100.00
Ruger Vaquero Single action revolver in 44-40. Case hardened frame with 7.5" barrel in blue. Factory wood grips and case.   900.00
Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan Revolver in 44Mag. Stainless steel finish with 2.5" barrel. Factory case.  1000.00
S&W Mdl 36 Snub nose revolver in 38Spl. Stainless finish with 2" barrel and factory wood grips.   600.00
Astra 300 Semi-auto pistol in .380acp. Original blue finish. 3.75" barrel. Includes custom holster.   500.00
Springfield XD-9 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Polymer frame in black. 4" barrel. Soft pouch and extra mags.   500.00
Ruger Precision Rimfire Bolt action rifle in .22lr. 17" barrel. Free float rail. Adjustable buttstock   400.00
Ruger New Model Blackhawk Flattop Single action revolver in 41Mag. 4.5" barrel in black finish. Factory wood grips. Original case and papers.   900.00
Ruger New Model Blackhawk Flattop Single action revolver in 41Mag. 7.5" barrel in black finish. Factory wood grips. Original case and papers.   900.00
Ruger Bisley Blackhawk Single action revolver in 44Mag. 7.5" barrel in black finish. Factory wood grips.   825.00
Ruger Bisley Blackhawk Single action revolver in 41Mag. 7.5" barrel in black finish. Factory wood grips. Original box.  1000.00
Springfield 1911A1 9mm Target Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. 1911 platform in stainless finish. Full size model with 5" barrel and adjustable rear sight. SOLD
Maverick Arms Mdl 88 Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 20" barrel. Full length mag tube (7+1 capacity). Pistol grip.   200.00
Palmetto PA-15 Ar-platfrom rifle in 5.56. Free float rail , 16" barrel. Pistol grip, adjustable stock. Comp-mag. Flip up irons and Romeo red dot.   600.00
Ruger Mini-14 Semi-auto rifle in 5.56. 18.5" barrel in blue with black synthetic stock. Includes xtra mags, scope rail and manual.   900.00
Glock 19 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Compact model with 4" barrel and factory fixed sights.   500.00
Winchester 1300XTR Pump action shotgun (12Ga). Checkered walnut stock. 26" barrel in blue finish. Oriiginal hang tag. Appears unfired. Made in USA.   375.00
Savage Axis II Bolt action rifle in 30-06. Black synthetic stock with 22" barrel in blue. Factory box, manual. Includes Bushnell scope. Like new.   350.00
Colt SAA  3rd Generation (1997) Dual cylinder 45LC/45ACP. Case hardened frame with 4.75" barrel in blue. Factory box. All original and unfired. 2750.00
Mossberg 500A Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 18" barrel. Marine coat finish. Side saddle.    300.00
Mossberg 600CT Pump action shotgun (20Ga). 28" vent rib barrel fitted with factory C-Lect Choke. Checkered hardwood stock.   225.00
Rockola M1 Carbine Semi-auto rifle in .30 Carbine. 18" barrel. Factory original with sling.  2000.00
S&W Mdl 669 Semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Brushed aluminum frame and stainless slide. Factory Box. Non roster   400.00
S&W 66-2 K-frame revolver in .357Mag. Stainless steel finish with 2.5" barrel. Factory wood grips and original box. Holster. Non roster  1000.00
Walther PPK/S Semi-auto pistol in .380ACP. Black finish with 3.5" barrel. Extra mags and holster.  1400.00
Remington 870 Pump action shotgun (12Ga). Express receiver with 18" slug barrel (smooth bore and iron sights). Hardwood stock.   400.00
Benelli Sport II Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with brushed metal receiver. 30" vent rib barrel in blue (ported). Walnut stock. Original factory case.  1250.00
Beretta 390 Semi-auto shotgun (12Ga) with 28" barrel. Matte blue finish with synthetic black stock. Factory chokes and extra set of carlson extended chokes.   700.00
Maverick 88 Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 18" barrel. Pistol grip shotgun.   200.00
Winchester 1300 Pump action shotgun (12Ga) with 18.5" barrel. Blued with hardwood stock. US manufacture.   250.00
Colt SAA - Matched Pair 3rd generation Colt SAA. Consecutive serial numbers. Case hardened frames with 4.75" barrel in blue. 45 Colt. Original box. Unfired. 2004  6500.00
Colt SAA - Matched Pair 3rd generation Colt SAA. Consecutive serial numbers. Case hardened frames with 4.75" barrel in blue. 44-40. Original boxes. Unfired. 2007  6500.00
Colt SAA 3rd generation Colt SAA. 45Colt. Case hardened frame with 5.5" barrel in blue. Factory box. Unfired.  2250.00
Colt SAA 3rd generation Colt SAA. Custom nickel finish. 38-40 with 4.75" barrel. Black Eagle grips. Original Box. Unfired. 1998  2875.00
Browning 1886 Large frame lever action in 45-70. 26" octagonal barrel. Walnut stock. Miroku manufacture. Excellent condition with factory box.  2125.00
Colt SAA 3rd generation Colt SAA. 38Special. Case hardened frame with 4.75" barrel in blue. Black Eagle grips. Original Box. Unfired.  3000.00
Colt SAA 3rd generation Colt SAA. 38Special. Case hardened frame with 4.75" barrel in blue. Black Eagle grips. Original Box. Unfired.  3000.00
Colt SAA 3rd generation Colt SAA. 45Colt. Case hardened frame with 7.5" barrel in blue. Original box. Unfired.  2500.00
Ruger Max-9 Compact semi-auto pistol in 9mm. Upgraded night sights, upgraded trigger and guide rod. IWB holster,   400.00

Collectors Corner

View the Trapdoor inventory!

Model 1879 U.S Trapdoor - Features thicker wider receiver. Low arch breechblock. Early model with breechblock dated 1873. Buckhorn rear sight. Original condition. Barrel in brown patina.

Offered at $900

Model 1884 U.S. Trapdoor - Surface metal has been cleaned and the patina removed. Includes period bayonet. Changes to this model include the introduction of the Buffington rear sight and bronze firing pin. The cartridge for the 1884 utilized a 500 grain bullet up from the initial 405 grain.

Offered at $1,000

Model 1888 U.S. Trapdoor - This is a very fine example in its original condition and well cared for. Visible cartouche on the stock. Remnants of the original finish present on the barrel. Includes sliding ramrod bayonet and leather sling. This represents the final model of the trapdoor series. Offered for $1800

Offered at $1,800

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